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Full Equations (FEQ) Model for the Solution of the Full, Dynamic Equations of Motion for One-Dimensional Unsteady Flow in Open Channels and Through Control Structures


7.1 Approximation of the Equations of Motion in a Dummy Branch

The equations of motion for a dummy branch are simple because the storage and momentum content of a dummy branch are negligible, so flows and elevations at the two flow-path end nodes defining the dummy branch are virtually identical. The dummy branch is treated as a reservoir with constant surface area, no lateral inflow, and a linear friction-loss relation between flow and elevation difference. Therefore, the conservation of mass equation becomes


Equation ,

where AS is a constant surface area and the weight for integration with respect to time has been set to 1. The left-hand node is taken to be the upstream node for the dummy branch. The default surface area applied in FEQ is 2 but this value may be overridden by the user.

The relation between the flow and the elevation difference is


Equation ,

where the node on the left is taken to be the upstream node. The friction loss coefficient, KF, is set by default to
2 x 10 -8, but different values can be input. The average water-surface elevation is used in equation 86 so that the partial derivatives of this equation will be nonzero in the nonlinear solution for the unknowns.

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