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Full Equations Utilities (FEQUTL) Model for the Approximation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Open Channels and Control Structures During Unsteady Flow



The following symbols are used in this report.

a An averaging parameter used to compute the mean conveyance in a flow expansion or contraction
a i, b i Limits of a tabulation interval in a cross-section table
A Total cross-sectional area
A c Flow area at critical depth
A if Area for full flow in the culvert barrel at section i
B g Width of a gate opening
B i Channel width at section i at an underflow gate
The ratio between the channel width at section i at an underflow gate and the gate-opening width
c (y 1) Flood-wave celerity at water-surface height y 1
C c Contraction coefficient of the full barrel area of a culvert giving the flow area at the vena contracta
Cco Contraction coefficient for orifice flow at an underflow gate
Cd Culvert discharge coefficient
C dc Discharge coefficient for a critical contraction
C dfo Discharge coefficient for free-orifice flow at an underflow gate
C dfw Discharge coefficient for free-weir flow at an underflow gate
C dso Discharge coefficient for submerged-orifice flow at an underflow gate
C dsw Discharge coefficient for submerged-weir flow at an underflow gate
C i A constant coefficient used when computing a nonuniform velocity distribution equal to a function of Manning's n and the cross-section boundary slope at line segment i
C u Unit conversion for Manning's equation equal to 1.49 in English units and 1 in metric units
C wr Weir coefficient for a roadway embankment
D Maximum inside vertical dimension of a culvert barrel
D vc Maximum inside vertical dimension of a culvert barrel at the vena contracta
This is the Greek letter Delta E 1 f Energy loss from the approach section (section 1) to the roadway crest when flow over the roadway is free of downstream effects
This is the Greek letter Delta E 1 s Energy loss from the approach section (section 1) to the roadway crest when flow over the roadway is submerged from downstream
This is the Greek letter Delta E 143 i Energy loss from the approach section (section 1) to section 43 for flow over a roadway crest at incipient flow submergence from downstream
This is the Greek letter Delta E 143 s Energy loss from the approach section (section 1) to section 43 for flow over a roadway crest when the flow is submerged from downstream
f c (C c) Piezometric depth ratio to the maximum vertical dimension of a culvert as a function of the contraction coefficient
f CH ( ) Function that gives the weir discharge coefficient for high-head flow
f CL ( ) Function that gives the weir discharge coefficient for low-head flow
f DB (y) Function that yields the flow through a dam breach for each water-surface height in the reservoir
f ec (X) Function yielding the product of the energy-loss coefficient and the difference in the product of the velocity and the energy-flux correction coefficient from the downstream section to the upstream section of a flow expansion or contraction
f s ( ) Weir-submergence function
f t (y t) Piecewise linear approximation in a function table of function f t at argument value y t
The i th tabulated value in a function table
F Froude number
F E Total flux of kinetic energy through the cross section
The flux of kinetic energy for line segment i of the cross section
Fg Gate-opening Froude number for orifice flow at an underflow gate
F M Total flux of momentum through the cross section
The flux of momentum for line segment i of the cross section
g Acceleration of gravity
h (s) Local height of the water surface in a cross section at offset s
Average local water-surface height between adjacent cross sections at offset s in a curvilinear channel
h g Gate-opening height
The ratio between the piezometric head at section i at an underflow gate and the gate-opening height
h I Piezometric downstream head at incipient flow submergence measured from the roadway crest
Piezometric head at section i of an underflow gate
h t Downstream (tail water) head causing flow submergence at a weir
h w Water-surface head on a roadway embankment, roadway crest, or weir
h 1 foll Upstream piezometric head at section 1 (approach section) for an underflow gate at the lower limit of free-orifice flow
h 1 fwul Upstream piezometric head at section 1 (approach section) for an underflow gate at the upper limit of free-weir flow
h 4 fwul Downstream piezometric head at section 4 (departure section) for an underflow gate at the upper limit of free-weir flow
h 4 swso The piezometric head at section 4 (departure section) for an underflow gate at the boundary between submerged-weir and submerged-orifice flow for a piezometric head at section 1 (approach section) midway between the piezometric head equal to the gate opening and the piezometric head equal to the upper limit of free-weir flow
H Piezometric head on a weir or roadway embankment measured from the minimum point on the weir or roadway embankment
J First moment of area with respect to the water surface
k A Energy-loss coefficient for accelerating (contracting) flow
k D Energy-loss coefficient for decelerating (expanding) flow
k ec Energy-loss factor for flow expansion or contraction
k(s) Local conveyance at offset s in a cross section of a curvilinear channel
K Total channel conveyance
Mean conveyance
K f The mean full-flow conveyance in a culvert barrel
K 2 f Conveyance at full flow at the culvert entrance (section 2)
K 23 The value of conveyance for a culvert that gives the correct barrel-friction loss computed in the steady-flow
profile computations for flow types 2 and 3
L aj The cumulative distance along the main-channel axis to the jth cross section
L ij The cumulative distance along the ith flow line at the jth cross section
This is the Greek letter DeltaL(s) Distance between two adjacent cross sections at offset s in a curvilinear channel
m Number of subsections in a cross section
m s Slope of a boundary line on the channel cross section
MA(x,y0) The weight coefficient that will result in a valid volume per unit length when multiplied with the cross-sectional area at location x for water-surface height y 0
MQ(x,y0) The weight coefficient that will result in a valid momentum content per unit length when multiplied with the total flow rate through the cross section at location x for water-surface height y 0
M r Momentum flux for flow over the roadway at a culvert
n c Number of cross sections considered in the computation of sinuosity
n i Manning's roughness coefficient for subsection i of a cross section
n p Number of surveyed points used to describe a cross section
n s Number of line segments below the water surface in the cross section; used when computing a nonuniform
velocity distribution
NDDABS The allowable absolute deviation from normal depth in the computation of the water-surface profile in the CHANRAT command
NDDREL The allowable relative deviation from normal depth in the computation of the water-surface profile in the
CHANRAT command
q (s) Flow per unit width in a cross section at offset s
q r Flow over a roadway-embankment weir per unit width of roadway
q w (s) Flow over a weir per unit width at offset s
Q Total flow rate in the cross section
Q B Flow rate in a culvert barrel
Q C Critical flow rate determined for steady flow in a compact channel (This is the Greek letter Alpha = This is the Greek letter Beta = 1)
Q E Critical flow rate determined from minimization of specific energy in a channel where This is the Greek letter Alpha 1
Q f Free-weir or free-orifice flow at an underflow gate
Q i Flow rate represented by conditions at line segment i in the cross section
Q M Critical flow rate determined from minimization of specific force in a channel where This is the Greek letter Beta 1
Q r Flow rate over the roadway at a culvert
Q w (z w) Total flow over a weir for a given upstream water-surface elevation
P e Roadway embankment height
P i The wetted perimeter for subsection i of the cross section
R (s) Hydraulic radius at offset s in the cross section
R hg Fraction of the gate-opening width over which the transition in contraction coefficient between weir flow and
orifice flow is applied
s Offset distance across a cross section
s B Beginning offset for the top width in a cross section at a given water-surface height
s E Ending offset for the top width in a cross section at a given water-surface height
S A Appropriate slope to use when approximating a nonuniform velocity distribution for estimation of This is the Greek letter Alpha or This is the Greek letter Beta; should be the energy slope, S e, when estimating This is the Greek letter Alpha, and the friction (momentum) slope, S f, when estimating This is the Greek letter Beta
S c Critical slope in a culvert barrel
S e The energy slope for flow in a channel
S f The friction (momentum) slope for flow in a channel
S h (x 1, x 2 ) The correct volume of water between cross sections at locations x 1 and x 2 for a given water-surface height
S q (x 1, x 2 ) The correct momentum content of the flow between cross sections at locations x 1 and x 2 for a given water-surface height
S 0 Bottom slope of the channel, positive when the bottom elevation decreases in the downstream direction
T Top width of the flow
T c Top width of the water surface at critical depth
T i Top width of the water surface for subsection i of the cross section
V (s) Flow velocity at offset s in the cross section
V Cross-sectional average velocity
V D Velocity at a dam site after failure
V Di Velocity at a dam site before failure
This is the Greek letter Delta V Velocity difference specified to define a continuous energy-loss function as flow reverses in the vicinity of a flow expansion or contraction
W (s) Crest width of a weir represented at the local offset s
x Distance along the distance axis for the channel (main-channel axis)
dx Distance increment along the main-channel axis
dx (i) Distance increment on flow line i in a curvilinear channel
This is the Greek letter Delta x Distance between cross sections
This is the Greek letter Delta x 12 Distance between the approach section (section 1) and entrance section (section 2) of a culvert
This is the Greek letter Delta x 23 Length of a culvert
X The difference in the product of the velocity and the energy-flux correction coefficient from the downstream
section to the upstream section of a flow expansion or contraction
X f A general designation of parameters on which the first moment of area with respect to the water surface is
functionally dependent
y (x) The height of the water surface above the minimum point in the cross section at the location given by x
y c Critical depth (water-surface height)
y n Normal depth (water-surface height) for a given flow
y s The stopping water-surface height for computation of the water-surface profile in the CHANRAT command
y t A nontabulated argument value for which a function value is sought by interpolation from a function table
The i th argument value tabulated in a function table
y 1 fw The limiting water-surface height at section 1 (approach section) of an underflow gate for free-weir flow for a given gate opening
y 2 max Maximum water-surface height at the culvert entrance (section 2) for culvert-flow type 1
y 4 f The water-surface height at section 4 (departure section) of an underflow gate at the free-flow limit for a given gate opening
y 4 sw The limiting water-surface height at section 4 (departure section) of an underflow gate for submerged-weir flow for a given gate opening
z (s) Elevation of the cross section boundary at offset s
Minimum bottom elevation at section i of a culvert
z ci Elevation of the culvert invert at the downstream end
z e Total-energy line elevation
z i Boundary elevations of the surveyed points used to describe a cross section
z j Bottom elevation at section j of an underflow gate relative to the datum for the stream system
z m Elevation of the minimum point on the cross-section boundary
z w Water-surface elevation
Maximum water-surface elevation at section 1 for culvert-flow type 1
z 3 p Elevation of the piezometric surface at the exit section (section 3) of a culvert
dz e Differential increment in the total-energy line elevation
This is the Greek letter Delta z Difference in bottom elevation between sections 2 and 3 of an underflow gate
This is the Greek letter Alpha Kinetic-energy-flux correction coefficient
This is the Greek letter Beta Momentum-flux correction coefficient
µ The slope of the sinuosity for a submerged line segment on the cross-section boundary
This is the Greek letter Sigma i The sinuosity in the cross section applicable to the i th subsection
This is the Greek letter Sigma ij The sinuosity at the j th cross section of the i th flow line
This is the Greek letter Sigma (s) The rate of change of distance along the flow line at offset s to the rate of change of distance along the
main-channel axis (sinuosity at offset s)
This is the Greek letter Omega (y) Escoffier stage variable used in the generalized Ritter dam-break solution

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