Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this document is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. See release.txt packaged with FEQ 8.92 and FEQ 9.98 for notes on earlier versions. Also available at and ----------------------------------- Descriptions of changes made to FEQ ----------------------------------- (Descriptions of changes made to FEQUTL follows at end.) Version 10.0 22 April 2003 --Options are available in the Run-Control Block to control the Newton solution. This is targeted at the problem of having only a few variables fail to meet convergence before the time step is automatically reduced to the to the minimum step size set by the user. The options are referred to as High IQ Newton Solution (HI_IQ_NS). The general idea is to identify the internal variable that last appeared in the iteration log at convergence failure. This variable is the added to an action list: a list of variables for which the user can take special action. The user can choose to not use the full correction for that variable in the Newton solution. Instead, a partial correction can be specified with the partial correction being determined by other options given in the Run-Control Block. In this way FEQ can respond to some computational problems on the fly rather than requiring a manual change of the input file set up conditions and the "time-step too small" message frequency can be reduced. Note: There are two variables at each node in the model: flow and depth/elevation. Even though only one variable is not converged both variables are added to the action list by placing the internal id number for the flow variable on the list. The id number for the flow variable is always odd and the depth/elevation variable is the next following even number. This is needed because a frequent problem near full submergence for a two-dimensional structure is that the depth variable may oscillate within its convergence tolerance but the flow variable will be outside its tolerance. Thus we link the two variables at a node: both must be converged before they can be removed from the action list but only one being out of convergence forces them to be placed on the action list. The iteration log may show an even number as the internal id number for the out of convergence variable but the message about adding the variable to the list will give an odd number that is one less than the out-of-convergence variable. The options in the Run-Control Block are: HI_IQ_NS=NO This is the default value for this option. HI_IQ_NS=LEV1 At level 1, variables stay on the list until the entire model converges. At each additional reduced time step attempted in seeking convergence, the Newton correction is reduced by the factor given in HI_IQ_NS_DWN unless the correction is at or belowHI_IQ_NS_LMT. When convergence is achieved for the whole system, the correction fraction is increased by HI_IQ_NS_UP until the fraction becomes 1.0 and the variable is removed from the action list. HI_IQ_NS=LEV2 At level 2, variables stay on the list only until that variable is converged. Thus even if system-wide convergence is not achieved, a variable on the list will be removed if it has converged. Also on system convergence, all variables are removed from the list and the correction fraction returns to 1.0. HI_IQ_NS_NUMGT The count of variables outside of the convergence tolerance must be less than or equal to this number before the IH_IQ_NS levels become active. The corrections used in the HI_IQ_NS process make sense only if the number of variables areout of tolerances is small. The ability to converge is sensitive to this variable, and the user may need to try a number great or smaller than 7. Note that this count is for variables out of convergence and does not include any that are in convergence. However, as noted above both variables at a node will be added to the list even though only one is out of convergence. HI_IQ_NS_DWN is the reduction factor for the Newton correction. Default is 0.5 HI_IQ_NS_UP is the factor to increase the Newton correction up to the limit of 1.0. Default is sqrt(1.0/HI_IQ_NS_DWN). If the value for HI_IQ_NS_UP is < 0, then the value is redefined as (1.0/HI_IQ_NS_DWN)^(1.0/abs(HI_IQ_NS_UP)). For example we get, assumming, HI_IQ_NS_DWN= 0.75, Input value of Internal value of HI_IQ_NS_UP HI_IQ_NS_UP -------------- ------------------ 1.25 1.25 -1.0 1.3333 -2.0 1.1547 -3.0 1.1006 This parameter is only used for LEV1. In LEV2 a variable is removed from the action list as soon as that variable satisfies the convergence tolerances. HI_IQ_NS_LMT is the lower limit for the fraction defining the partial-Newton correction. Default is 0.1. Users may find values as low as 0.01 useful in some cases. Here is an example that was tested on a large model with more than 13,000 variables: HI_IQ_NS=LEV2 HI_IQ_NS_NUMGT= 7 HI_IQ_NS_DWN = 0.5 HI_IQ_NS_UP = -1.0 HI_IQ_NS_LMT = 0.01 In this example, a small value for HI_IQ_NS_LMT was required to get convergence at at one point. In this example, the default values for time-step increase and decrease were also modified because the default values moved the time step too rapidly. The values that worked with HI_IQ_NS=LEV2 were: AUTO=0.67 MAXDT=1800. MINDT= 1.0 LFAC= 0.8 HFAC= 1.25 --The format of the iteration log has been changed slightly. A new column listing the internal variable number has been added. This makes it possible to connect a given branch/node or free node with an internal variable number. The node column now has a one-character column that will contain q for flow or y for depth instead of using a sign to indicate the difference. This may prove helpful in deciding what High IQ Newton Solution option to try. --Additional output has been added. Brief messages are given in the master-output file when variables are placed on or removed from the action list. Also the runtime is now given when the run fails due to excessive reduction of the time step. Refined upgrades of cross-section table types 20-25 are now available. The new internal cross-section function tables are numbered 30-35. These include the derivatives to render conveyance, alpha, beta, Ma, and Mq, to be at least piecewise cubic with continuous first derivatives everywhere and continuous second derivatives at all but some breakpoints. There is also an extension of type 13, type 43, that also ensures at least piecewise cubic variation with continuous first derivatives everywhere and continuous second derivatives except near regions that had to be adjusted. This option may prove useful for situations where the Newton solution fails to converge because of the simple approximations for the required derivatives that were not continuous at the breakpoints for conveyance, alpha, beta, Ma, Mq in the cross-section function tables and for function table types 2, 13, and 14. These tables have been added to yield functional representations that are smoother in the sense of having continuity of the first derivative and sometimes the second derivative at the tabulated depth values (breakpoints). It may be that some of the computational problems in an unsteady-flow model originate at the discontinuities in first derivative at breakpoints. A review of the convergence theorems for Newton's method shows that they all depend on continuity of the first derivative near the root. If one of the roots is close to a breakpoint, a likely occurrence with a few thousand cross-section function tables and each table with 30-100 breakpoints, then the model may have convergence difficulty. The increased order of interpolation may yield more accurate values of conveyance, for example, but it is not clear that the change is of any significance. None of the effort in including increased smoothness in approximations was motivated by increased accuracy. It was done to increase the robustness of the computations. To convert all cross-section function tables to types 30-35 for an unsteady-flow model, add UPGRADE_XSEC_TAB=YES to the Run-Control Block. All cross-section function tables found by FEQ will be automatically converted to the corresponding new type. If you use UPGRADE_XSEC_TAB=YESO, then FEQ will dump the new tables as they are created. This results in a large output file. In any case, FEQ currently runs some checks for problem areas on the new tables and outputs what it has found. An external form for type 43 has not yet been defined. Thus to get this type use TY13_TO_TY43=YES in the Run-Control Block. All type 13 tables found will be converted to type 43. Tests will be run on each table and a summary printed. Some tables may need to be recomputed to reduce problems. Again if TY13_TO_TY43=YESO is used, a complete dump of the table will be done. This results in quite large output files but can be used for testing and checking. It should be apparent that both the storage-space required and the lookup-time required for these tables is appreciably larger than for their simpler relatives. Thus not all models will benefit with respect to computation time by using these options. The user can try these options and compare with the standard defaults option. Results so far indicate that for: 1. For large models, those with more than 500 branches, the greater smoothness in derivatives provided by these options provides somewhat greater robustness, that is, there seem to be fewer computational failures, and there is a reduced run time because the extra time in lookup is repaid in there being fewer iterations required to convergence. It is also possible to use the extrapolation options in the Run-Control block and still maintain good performance. This can reduce runtimes by as much as 25 percent alone. Trying to use that large an extrapolation without the smoother tables either fails to converge or the iteration count rises to the point that it takes longer to compute. However, it is not uniformly true that the smoother tables produce better convergence. Therefore, the standard tables options is always available. 2. In rough comparisons so far, the results for extreme values are essentially the same if both approaches result in a completed computation. The maximum elevation differ on the order of a few thousandths of a foot and the flows may vary in the third or fourth digit, which is the same order of variation that occurs when using executable code compiled by different compilers. It should be noted that may large models make heavy use of automatic argument selection for type 13 tables whereever FEQUTL supports it. This is important because this means that all 2-D tables of type 13, save those from CULVERT, are computed so that linear interpolation in the table would yield errors at most of 1 to 2 per cent. If manual spacing for arguments is used, then the differences may be much larger because the piecewise cubic fit and the piecewise linear fit will differ by much larger amounts, especially at small heads. It is almost always true that manual placement of the upstream heads results in far too many large heads and far too few small heads. --It was found that FEQ can fail to converge before the minimum time step is reached because of a bug in the code used to synchronize time when the maximum time step is attained. Some years ago users found it disconcerting that the time would be at some odd interval even though the maximum time step was being used for long periods. To avoid this, FEQ tests for the need to synchronize the time with the max time step, that is, bring the time so that its value would result in values in agreement with the maximum time step. For example if the maximum time step were 1800 seconds, then the computation points should be shifted so that there are results at every hour and every half hour. Because the default factors for decreasing and increasing the time step were 0.5 and 2.0 respectively, the roundoff error in the process of changing the time step was small, especially since, FEQ maintins the time step in double precision. However, when using the HI_IQ_NS options, the reduction factor was changed from 0.5 to 0.7 which introduced more potential roundoff error. After many runs with no problems the synchronizing algorithm computed a time step close to zero but larger than the tolerance allowed. Thus FEQ found that the time step was less than the minimum allowed time step and stopped. In fact, the time step was being reset to the maximum when this occurred and the computation for the time step needed to synchronize was just roundoff error. Therefore, this bug has been fixed by requiring that the synchronizing time step must be at least as large as the minimum time step before it is done. In addition a new message is written to the master output file when a synchronizing time step is computed. This message is needed because the output can become a bit confusing because the time step is first set to the maximum and then it is changed to something smaller. --FEQ now has the ability use a time-series table that gives the maximum time step as a function of time. This can prove useful when models require an extensive warmup period before the computations for the period of interest begin. It is also useful for those cases when long periods of low flow must be simulated in order to drain water stored on the flood plain behind levees or behind dams when modeling a sequence of storms. This table is of type 7 and gives the time and the maximum time step at that time. Please note that the time and the time step given in the master output file give the time at the end of the time step reported. The max-time step table needs the time at the beginning of the time step. To make this task easier, FEQ, also has the ability to output a file containing the record of all time steps with the time at the start of the time step given. This file can then be used as a basis for creating the max-time step table. To do this make a run with a fixed time step and request that this file be created. Then edit the file to create a valid sequence of maximum time steps and rename the file. Then add the file to the list of files read in the Functions-Table block. The two new Run-Control Block options are: MAKE_DT_TAB= /dt_tab This requests that the time-step and time information be written to a file named dt_tab and appearing in the global-home name directory if any exists. If none exists the file should appear in the current directory. Note that this file DOES not contain a vaild type 7 table. You must use the contents of this file to create such a table. USE_MAXDT_TAB= max_dt_2002 This requests using a table with a table id of max_dt_2002 to define the maximum time step. The maximum time step is reset before the computations are started. Again it takes some practice to make good use of this feature. However, by carefully editing the time-step pattern from a successful run, reductions in runtime on the order of 25 percent can be attained. However, again, at least with large models, computational failure can also be created. --Changed meaning of the flow-factor adjustment table in the side-weir instruction, code=14, when it appears with a crest level adjustment. When both optional tables are present, FEQ does the following: 1. Computes the flow at the head at current crest level = Q1 2. Computes the flow at the head at original fixed crest level = Q2 3. Finds the current flow factor, fac, from the flow-factor table. 4. Computes the flow as: Q = fac*Q1 + (1 - fac)*Q2 This approximates the combination of flow over the portion of the flow surface that is at its original level and the flow through the portion of the flow surface that is at its new level. This computation assumes the crest is approx horizontal and that the flow interaction between the two flows is small. The factor is estimated by the ratio of the length of weir that is being shifted by erosion of the surface to the total overflow weir segment. Previously, this time series table consisted of factor values determined by the user. See the side weir description in Version 9.69. Version 10.01 17 May 2003 --Increased the title block to 201 lines. --Skip blank lines at the start of the master-input file. Version 10.02 19 June 2003 --Fixed bug in reporting the interpolation for high-water marks. The stationing factor was not applied to the output when interpolating. Thus small errors on the order of a few tenths of foot were made. This is relevant only for users who utilize a file hwmark.loc containing high-water marks for their model. --Added code to the GENSCN output to compensate for a bug in GENSCN. GENSCN is unable to plot results at a free node when that node is not a reservoir node. The problem appears to be that GENSCN is seeking a non-zero index to a function table for every node. However, no such table is needed nor does one exist for a free node on a dummy branch or for the inflow to a level-pool reservoir. However, GENSCN will plot the results if a valid ftab index is given for these free nodes. Therefore, this code places a valid ftab index for all free nodes not having any such table. If under some circumstances, GENSCN should try to lookup some values in this function table, we will have problems. So far this has not happened. Version 10.03 21 July 2003 --Fixed bug in code 4 type 6 output. This feature was coded for one particular model needed by the FEQ developer. Version 10.04 1 December 2003 --Changed the console output for FEQ to try to get the same behavior in MSW and Linux. The new output prints a horizontal series of periods (dots) for each consecutive time step that is unchanged from the earlier one. A new line of information is printed whenever the time step changes. In GNU/Linux where the whole set of dots is printed at one time. Version 10.05 22 April 2004 --Changed computation of the minimum time step to exclude time steps that were set in order to sychronize time with even increments of one hour. Sometimes that adjustment produces a time step that is small and the minimum time step does not reflect the level of computational difficulty found during the run. Version 10.06 6 May 2004 --Changed format for Time of max Z, Time of max Q, and Time of min Q to include leading zeros in the year, month, and day fields. Version 10.10 22 May 2004 --Changed format of debug output of the equations in the Network Matrix to allow 5 digits for the variable number. Needed to do debugging on a model with more than 14,000 equations. --Corrected several errors in the handling of eddy losses (KA and KD being the parameters) in branches: 1. In some cases of strong reverse flow and larger values of either KA or KD an error in the partial derivatives of the eddy-loss term caused either slow convergence or failure of convergence. This did not occur if all the flows in a branch were positive. This might be part of the reason for slow convergence observed in some cases for branches subject tidal influence. 2. In some cases of reverse flow, another error in handling the eddy losses could cause the eddy losses to be ignored when they should have been included. This probably only took place when there was reverse flow and the time step converged in only one iteration. This would normally be during periods of essentially constant flow everywhere or at most slowly varying flow. Again the potential effect is very small was limited to reverse flows in a branch. A very large reverse flow might have caused the model to fail to converge. --Corrected an error in the setting of a partial derivative in tables of type 14 when the flow moved from zero to non-zero. This could cause convergence failures when a type 14 table was used for a location where the flow was zero most of the time and became non-zero only during major floods. --Added additional code to lookup of tables of type 14 to catch inconsistent heads and flows. Detailed output added to FEQ to diagnose severe problems for flow in a dry bridge, that is, a bridge through a road fill in the flood plain that has zero flow except during floods. The flows at such a bridge are subject to roundoff and convergence tolerance noise when the flows are negligible. Thus FEQ now forces the flow to be zero in the lookup process if the head physically upstream of the claimed non-zero flow is less than zero. Obviously the flow is wrong and is the result of computational round-off error. This noise causes the Newton iterations to sometimes fail repeatedly until the time-step limit is reached. --Added output of a summary of the number of equations produces by each of the codes used in the Network Matrix Control input. This may help the user find patterns in how many equations come from various sources. The summary also indicates which of the equations are linear and which are non-linear. Version 10.11 29 June 2004 --Added code so that FEQ can determine the operating system under which it is running and then make sure that the directory name and subname divider is consistent with the OS in file names. Thus it is possible to use either the backslash or the forward slash in a file name or a mix of the two! Lahey Fortran allows this but some other compilers may not do so. Consequently, the FEQ now makes the conversion so that an input can be transfered between the two operating systems and not require changes in the file names. --Added home-name addition to the macro file name. So far the macro file name has not been used except in limited test cases. Version 10.12 16 July 2004 --The TAB-defined head datum for code 5 type 6 and code 14 can be modified by specifying an increment/decrement. This feature is quite useful when there are many flow tables with head datum defined by looking it up from the table. For this case, in the instruction in FEQ only the special string TAB or tab appears. Previously, to change the datum it is necessary to find the datum from that table, apply the shift and then change the TAB or tab to the correct numerical value. This new feature makes it possible to add the change to TAB or tab with no blanks, and FEQ then computes the shift. For example, to shift the flow table datum up by 0.25 use: TAB+0.25 A downward shift is then: TAB-0.25 The user is of course, as always, responsible to make sure that such a shift makes sense. FEQ does no checking on the size of the shift. Version 10.15 25 August 2004 --Expanded the file-name length for all but command-line arguments to be 128 characters. The home name can be up to 128 characters as well so I suppose one could end up with a 256-character file name. The user should be aware of the limitation of their operating system if utilizing a very long file name. This change required many adjustments in many locations in order that the increased lengths could be read from the input files and would be written to the output files. Tests using file names with lengths varying from 80+ to about 124 characters have been run for: Special Output file name Output file name for time-series GENSCN output base file name Function Tables Block with a home name of about 90 characters Function Tables Block with a file name of about 90 characters. They all were read and output properly. Two existing models without longer file names also ran properly. One of them used HECDSS and the other did not. Version 10.16 20 October 2004 --Increased node limit in GENSCN to 20,000 nodes. Lahey Fortran compilers appear to support the resulting record lengths. Version 10.17 5 November 2004 --Increased special output count to 250. Version 10.20 13 January 2005 --Point time-series files (PTSF's) are now read and written as direct-access unformatted. This change allows these files to move among various operating systems and compiled executables. This has been tested on five different compilers (two under Linux and three under MS Windows). PTSF's created with earlier versions of FEQ must be converted using the PTSFUTL utility or the models that generated the PTSFUTL must be rerun with FEQ version 10.20 or later. --Diffuse time-series files (DTSF's) are now read by FEQ as direct-access unformatted. This change was made to allow these files to move among the various operating systems and compilers, similarly to the PSTF's. Old files must be converted using the version of TSFUTL included in the FEQ 10.60 release package. HSPF 12.0 allows a direct output to the new unformatted DTSF using the PLTGEN routine. --In the process of making the changes for DTSF handling, it was noticed that the variables used in computing the average runoff in an FEQ time step were declared single precision. All of the variables leading up to that point were double precision. This appeared to be a long term oversight. Therefore, the declarations for these variables have been changed to be double precision also. Testing on an old version of a DuPage County Trib4 model, showed that the changes in flows, if any, were in the last one or two digits printed. The time of extreme values sometimes shifted by an FEQ time step or two as well. All of these changes appear to be inconsequential. --The response of FEQ to a selector variable with an unknown value has been changed from generating an error message and stopping to setting the unknown value to false and continuing after issuing a warning message. This may make using selector variables more natural. Currently every variable in the input must have a value explicitly set. These requires setting an ever growing number of selector variables to false and to changing existing scenario blocks when new scenarios are added. With this change only the selector variables that have to be true need be set in any scenario- defining block. All others not set will be given the value of false when they are found. Version 10.21 14 February 2005 --Changed detection tolerance for side-weirs with non-zero flow in the initial conditions. This was designed to permit these flow points to become active. Ideally the flow over any side weir should be zero in the initial conditions but that is not always possible. --The special output block will now write a descriptor file, with a standard extension of *.spi, to describe the special output file itself to feqplot, the GUI result viewer for time series. This allows us to better control the working of feqplot and still leave the format of the special output file itself unchanged. Version 10.22 7 July 2005 --Changed output units for QUAD option in the Output Files Block to use acre-feet when GRAV > 15.0 and 1,000 cubic meters otherwise. Version 10.23 2 August 2005 --Home name for output files was truncated to its actual length for output. --Added the "top of stack" line when processing selector blocks in order to help find problems with matching IF with ELSE, ELSEIF, and ENDIF. In some cases the output file is complete, especially if an ENDIF is missing, and gives no clue as to where the problem might be. The top of stack line will usually be the IF statement that has not been matched. If there are multiple IF statements with the same selector variable, a common occurrence, it proves helpful to label each of these identical IF statements with a unique label given after a single quote, for example, IF Q1990 '1 ENDIF IF Q1990 '2 ENDIF Then if an ENDIF is missing, and FEQ finds the end of file searching for it, the error message will have the offending IF statement given with the error message and the unique label will allow finding that statement without an extensive and sometimes error prone search. Version 10.24 29 August 2005 --Add ability to set a selector variable outside of the SET SELECTORS block. This is done using the keyword: SET. This feature was added to make the selection process easier to define. For examples: IF Q1990 SET lowflow = false ELSEIF Q1995 SET lowflow = false ELSEIF Q2002 SET lowflow = true ELSE SET Lowflow = true ENDIF IF lowflow Select stuff that is only to be used with the smaller flood events ELSE Select stuff that is only to be used with the larger flood events ENDIF A Selector variable may be defined or redefined by this process. Do not use SET within a SET SELECTORS block. Version 10.25 27 September 2005 --Corrected an error in time reporting when using a DTSF. The reported time offset depended on the initial hour of each event. If the starting hour was zero then the offset was zero. Otherwise the offset would depend on the starting hour. If the starting hour was 1, then then offset was 1 - 1/24.0 hours, which is slightly less than one hour. Most DTSF's of which I am aware have events which start at hour 1 or sometimes hour zero. Thus the maximum offset in reported time is one hour or less. Version 10.30 30 September 2005 --Added support for creating a dual-source forced boundary condition using a new block of input. This block of input creates a PTSF from two data sources given by the user. The sources may be either a PTSF or a time-series table (TSTAB). The purpose of dual sources is to make real-time forecasting using FEQ somewhat smoother. An example block follows: DUAL SOURCE DEFINE forecast._doc_ FILE= /forecast/sbrook05/flowhist/busse_flow.ptsf TRAN_START=2005/09/01: 0.d0 TABLE = busse_Q_frm_tab END forecast._doc_ END DUAL SOURCE This block, if it appears, should be just before the INPUT-FILE-SPECIFICATION block. The name following the DEFINE is the name of the file that will be created by FEQ. The strange extension for this file requests that FEQ delete the file when it is closed (delete on close--doc). The PTSF given in FILE contains the first source in this example. The data in this PTSF is to be used until the date/time given in TRAN_START If a time point exists in the file, busse_flow.ptsf, at this time point, it will appear in forecast._doc_. The first time point from buss_Q_frm_tab will be the first one following the date/time given in TRAN_START. If TRAN_START is not present, then the first source is used until its last time point. Any combination of a PTSF and a TSTAB can be used. The file created, forecast._doc_, is then referenced in the INPUT-FILE-SPECIFICATION block just like any other PTSF. --To better support dual-source creation, the internal storage pattern for time-series tables has been changed to full double precision. In earlier versions, time-series tables of types 7, 8, and 9, only had an existence until input, at which time they were changed internally to types 2, 3, and 4. This is no longer true. There is a special internal representation for time-series tables that now represents long time spans accurately. Extensive comparisons have been made between old and new versions on a small collection of models. The effect is small with most changes being in the 4-th significant digit. These changes come about from at least three sources: 1. The time value is now stored in double precision whereas in earlier versions it was stored in single precision. 2. The values for the flow or elevation are now stored in double precision yielding a small change in trunctation error. However, values returned from the table lookup are still given in single precision. 3. The above two effects can cause either a change in the number of iterations at one or more time steps or even a change in the number and size of the time steps. This comes about because the computer is a "slave to precision". A minute change can sometimes cause a change in number of iterations and this can potentially change one or more time step sizes. The effect in step 3 is the primary one and it reflects the inherent uncertainty in using an interative process to find a solution. --A new Run-Control-Block option has been added to enable forecasting with a DTSF present. The standard behavior when a DTSF is present is to force the start time to match the start time of each event in turn. That was the original purpose of have a series of events placed into a DTSF. To avoid this behavior, include the option, FRCST_WTH_DTSF= YES in the Run Control Block. When this option is present, the start time is used to locate the event in the DTSF. The event selected for simulation is the event that contains the start time. Only one event will be run because only one event can contain the start time. This follows because events must be non-overlapping and in ascending order in a DTSF. --The GETIC and PUTIC files have been updated to be written and read using direct access statements. This means that old forms of these files cannot be used with this version. The files have been expanded to support additional control structures as well, so old files are obselete for that reason too. Note that this version requires that all PTSF and DTSF files be in direct-access format also. Any that are not in that format can be updated using a utility program for that purpose. --The total count of iterations to a given time step has been added to the output to enable comparing runs more closely for differences. If the total iterations differs then a possible source of any differences found is in the number of iterations. Version 10.31 10 November 2005 --Changed formats used in processing heading-dependent input formats. Some floating-point input fields had been read using list-directed input, that is, with no format given. These have been changed to using f20.0 to allow more comprehensive error checking. With the list-directed format option the following string, '. 662.0', could have been read as zero by at least one compiler's executable of FEQ. Version 10.32 8 December 2005 --Changed processing of selected input fields to detect spaces interior to the field that result from a character falling outside the assigned columns in a heading-dependent input line. Any spaces within a number are invalid and will produce an error message. There should be no spaces between a leading sign and the number to which it applies. --Fixed bug in the option to automatically generate the master-output file name from the root of the master-input file name. FEQ failed to add the .out extension to the root name from the master-input file name. --The last extension on the master-output file name is now applied to all output files so that they are uniquely named and not overwritten. This happens automatically so if you do not want this action, then no extension should be used on the master-output file name. The extension from the master-output file is not placed at the end of the file name unless it has no extension. If an extension is already in place, the added extension is place just before the final extension in the name. This is done because some of the extensions are keyed to software that processes names based on the final extension. The extension placed on the master-output file defines a sub-scenario so to speak, perhaps involving variations not included in the other components of the scenario, or perhaps it proves simpler to create variations of a scenario without defining a whole new subdirectory for the results. --Home-name processing has been changed. The home name defined in the set-selectors block is now only used for file output. This home name becomes the global home name for output. All other HOME values will refer only to input of files with one exception. The GETIC and PUTIC files are both treated as being in the directory given by the global home name for output. GETIC refers to a file used for input of the initial conditions but it is given the output home name because the only way that file can be created is by output from a previous run of FEQ. In that run it will be placed in the directory given by the home name defined in the set-selectors block. It does not make sense to have to copy the file to some other location to use it for input on subsequent runs. Once set, the global home name for output cannot be changed by any other home-name input. The home name given in the run-control block is the global home hame for input. Each block of input to FEQ that contains files, will also have a local home name value that can be set by the user. The rule for deciding which home name to use is simple: if the local home name is not given, then the global home name is used, otherwise, the local home name is used in that block. Version 10.33 6 March 2006 --Changes to home-names caused a problem with finding the special file, hwmark.loc. Corrected home-name addition to add the global-home name for output to hwmark.loc. --The information file for the special-output file got two instances of the master-output file extension when only one should have been added. Version 10.34 17 March 2006 --Removed spaces from blank lines in the schematic script file. These caused a problem with Autocad applications. Version 10.35 28 March 2006 --Made final changes to GENSCN for direct-access file usage for both the TSD and the FTF file. Users should also request that the new-format for the FEO file be used once GENSCN is updated. This has been made the default. Thus if you wish to retain the old format for the FEO file, then be sure to add NEW_GENSCN_FE0=NO in the Run-Control Block. Version 10.4 11 December 2006 --Changed the nature of input for the time-series table giving the structure capacity fraction as a function of time. This is specified in NC(7). A time-series table id (includes a table number as a special case) must be given with a minus sign prefixed to it. This makes that input option consistent with, for example, Code 5, Type 7. A positive integer in this field is taken to be a Operation Control Block number for setting the capacity fraction. An additional input is defined at NC(9), giving the name for the control structure so that output on the capacity fraction and flow state can be appear in the Special Output Block. A simple example of a valid instruction is: 5 6 F8983 F1 F1 Seawall_S_boxes Seawall_S_boxes 1 * gate ; TAB where "gate" gives the name of the structure for reference in the Special Output Block. Notice that a place holder, the asterisk, is required because there is an input value that exists between NC(7) and NC(9), that is, NC(8), which we wish to skip and therefore to take its default value of blank. Version 10.42 19 December 2006 --Added output of a version/run date-time string to the *.spi file for special output. This is a comment and any program reading this file must be able to process comment lines as defined for feq/fequtl. This information will permit tracing the parentage of files produced by FEQ. --Added to the header for point-time series files that record the FEQ version number, the version date, and the date/time of the run that created the file. --Added output of the version/run date-time information from input point time-series files. --FEQUTL has also been modified so that each function-table file created by it will have two echoing comment lines that record that the file was created by FEQUTL and also giving the version, the version date, and the date and time of the run. These values will appear in the output from FEQ. It is also possible to put echoing comment lines at some point in every *.mtb file so that the name of the creator, or modifier, plus dates can be list as well. This will make it possible for the master output file to document details such as the sources of information for each file that is used in the input. --Found that HI_IQ_NS_NUMGT was not being output to the master output file. Added it. Version 10.43 22 January 2007 --Changed precision of the start and end JTIME values in the special-output information file and the special output file to 7 decimals. Thus the resolution of the output is now 5x10^-8 day or so. Version 10.45 8 March 2007 --Added additional checking of the Network-Matrix input to catch free nodes that are unattached. The problem often arises with nodes on a dummy branch, when the user forgets to add the dummy branch, which results in the message that the number of nodes is odd. It could be true that the number of exterior nodes is even but they are not properly related. Therefore, the check is done before the check for the number of exterior nodes being even. Hopefully this will make finding these model input errors easier. Version 10.46 29 March 2007 --Correct an error in handling the transition from zero flow to non-zero flow in a structure using a table of type 14. There were conditions in which the flow would have the wrong sign in the structure and the computations would fail when the time step was automatically reduced below the minimum time step. In testing, this correction has increased robustness of models in which a table of type 14 is used to represent flows that rise from zero or fall to zero. Version 10.47 7 June 2007 --Refined the detention-storage option from the linear iteration to Newton's method for solution. There are cases of time step and flow versus storage variation for which linear iteration will not converge even though its starting value is close to the root. Newton's method is not subject to that limitation and converges more quickly as well. Because Newton's method is much more efficient, the convergence tolerance was reduced by a factor of 100 and changes were made so that every correction from Newton's method was reflected in the final results. These changes reduced the tributary-area relative-balance value from the range of 10^-4 to 10^-7 in the test case used. Therefore, small changes in output from models run with earlier versions may occur. These changes are a correction of the results with added solution robustness should a truly extreme runoff event be simulated. Also the chance of non-convergence in solving for the outflow from a detention reservoir has been reduced to essentially zero. Version 10.50 25 October 2007 -- FEQ now has the option to output an index for all the function tables used in a given run. This is requested by adding MAKE_TAB_INDEX=YES to the Run-Control Block. FEQ will then create a file named, ftab_index containing the alpha list of tables by tabid together with the table type and the fully qualified file name where the table was found. Currently the file name is built in but you can always add an extension to the output file name on the commandline that invokes FEQ, and that extension will be appended to the ftab_index. For example feq feqin will result in the table index being stored in: Note that the alpha list depends on case. The all lowercase names appear after those that begin with an upper case letter. --Add handling of the new values used to track datums, unit systems, and the basis for function tables. Optional information in the header block of function tables is now processed and in some cases checked. The information items are: (All are max 8-char long descriptions) HGRID --name for the horizontal grid being used for easting and northings. For example, SPCS83, for the state-plane coordinate system defined in 1983 using the NAD83. ZONE -- the zone designation for the horizontal grid, for example: 4601 for the north zone in the state of Washington VDATUM-- The vertical datum such as: NAVD88, NGVD29, NA, ... UNITSYS -- unit system: ENGLISH, METRIC, NA, ... BASIS -- Describe the era, date, our other item that denotes the principal source of the data in the function table. The following are floating point numbers: EASTING -- the easting or x value for the coordinate system NORTHING -- the northing or the y value for the coordinate system. Here is an example from a cross-section table: TABID= RDXSEW_S.93 TYPE= -25 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 STATION= 3.63734E+01 GISID=RDXSEW_S.93 EASTING= 1310129.680 NORTHING= 662863.810 ELEVATION= 2.11226E+02 EXT=-99.900000 FAC=1.000 SLOT= 0.0000 Below is an example for a two-dimensional table generated by the CHANRAT command: TABID= RDXSZZ_ML TYPE= -13 HDATUM= 91.370 CHANRAT zrhufd= 0.0000 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 EASTING= 1275853.412 NORTHING= 702952.255 LABEL=Flow from MM at RDXSZZ_M.93 to L1 NHUP= 31 NPFD= 7 New values have been added to the Run-Control Block to specify the desired values for these new items in the header block of function tables. Below is an example from a current model: G_ZONE= 4601 G_HGRID= SPCS83 G_VDATUM= NAVD88 G_UNITSYS= ENGLISH G_BASIS= Pre_05 Note that all of these must be given,if any are. Note that the values given are prescriptive with respect to vertical datum and unit system, that is, the vertical datum and unit system for all function tables for which these values have a meaning, MUST agree with those values given in the Run-Control Block. There are cases of function tables for which the vertical datum or the unit system may not apply. The special value "NA" is then used to indicate "not applicable". As an example, a user can specify an adjustment factor as a function of time for a flow at a boundary. Below is an example of such a table: TABID= Dogleg_out_fac TYPE= -7 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NA UNITSYS=NA BASIS=Pre_05 EASTING= -33d6 NORTHING= -33d6 REFL=0.0 FAC=1.0 YEAR MN DY HOUR Flow FAC Adj of Sott Creek connection to Nksk 1990 01 01 0.0 1.50 3205 12 31 24.0 1.50 2001 12 30 In this case the table has a location. Therefore zone, hgrid, easting and northing are meaningful. However, there is no need of a vertical datum because no elevations are involved. Furthermore the function value has no units so the unit system is not involved. Also note the special values for easting and northing, -33d6. This denotes that the location of the function table has not been given yet. The user should be aware that meters, US survey feet, and international feet are used in the State Plane Coordinate System. The US survey foot differs from the international foot by about 2 parts out of a million. The international foot is exactly 0.3048 meter and the US survey foot is 1200/3937 meter. To further add to possible confusion, the official unit for some states is the meter but surveys are still done in feet-- international feet or perhaps survey feet. For precise work the difference becomes important but for most application of FEQ the difference between survey feet and international feet is too small to matter. It may be that the units for elevation may differ from the units for horizontal location. Therefore, FEQ assumes that the units for horizontal location are implicit in the zone/hgrid specification. In practice this may be specific to a given model and may not agree with what others in the same zone do--set a standard and use it uniformily for a given model. Here is another example of a header for a function table: TABID=weirc TYPE= -2 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NA UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 EASTING= -33d6 NORTHING= -33d6 REFL= 0.0 FAC= 1.0 Head WeirC- 0.0 3.0 200.0 3.0 -1.0 In this case the units for head are feet but they are relative to the datum for head and not the datum for elevation. Consequently the vertical datum is not applicable but the unit system is. Again the location of the table may be meaningful but has not been given. Note that 33d6 in feet is larger than any plane coordinate likely to be found. Furthermore, many plane coordinate systems are devised so that no valid coordinate is ever < 0. Consequently the selection of -33d6 as the indicator of an unknown location. FEQ prints a summary of the status of each function table in a given run if MAKE_TAB_INDEX=YES exists in the Run-Control Block and if G_ZONE has a value other than the default value of "NONE". This summary is printed in the master output file and is headed by a line: "List of Function-table status found in FEQ". As the table is constructed, FEQ also supplies the easting and northing for any table lacking those values and for which FEQ is able to deduce a reasonable value. The updated values of easting and northing are shown with a trailing 'u' to denote having been updated. --FEQ is able to apply a constant shift value to output elevations to have the output relative to a vertical datum that differs from the datum used in the computations. This shift value is given as DZ_FOR_OUTPUT=-3.926 in the Run-Control Block. In this example a shift is made between computations based on NAVD88 to results in NGVD29 for the model of the Nooksack River in northwest Washington. A constant shift is within about 0.05 feet at every point in the area modeled. By default the shift is 0.0. With the exception of DZ_FOR_OUTPUT, FEQ does not make any conversions between datums. Such conversions can be very complex and software is generally available to make those conversions to full precision using methods developed by the NGS and others. From the point of view of FEQ/FEQUTL, these values are descriptive and under user control. Currently only the vertical datum and the unit system are checked for consistency. Version 10.51 30 November 2007 --Many minor fixes to all of the changes required for the support of explicit vertical datum. --Added message for code 4 type 3 when the slope is taken from the previous time step's results and the slope goes zero or negative. Computations must stop at that point. Version 10.52 27 February 2008 --Increased the number of PTSF's for output to 1200. This is no longer limited to counting the number of files, but instead, it counts the number of output locations involved. Using the ADD, SUB, OUT, OUTA, and QUAD options can often involve far more than 120 locations from which flows are taken. The new limit is based on 10 locations per output and 120 output locations. Version 10.53 3 September 2008 --Corrected errors in the code that checks for the status of the vertical datum and unit system for each function table in a run. There were cases of reporting of false errors as well as cases in which errors could slip by without being reported. Version 10.60 6 October 2008 --Added output of the Subversion version number and URL for the source code files. This defines the files that created the executable file that produced the output. --Added output of the Subversion version number for the global and local home names. If no home names are used or the working files are not under Subversion, nothing is printed. --Information on the versions is also placed in other output files: special output, point time-series files, and the files for Genscn. This will help in tracing what the state of the working files for each output file. Version 10.61 15 October 2008 --At some point between version 10.35 and 10.60, the treatment of REFL in tables of types 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9, was changed. Prior to this change, this value was not used by FEQ or FEQUTL. This variable has two possible roles: (1) it could be a shift to be applied to all values of the function, or (2) it could be a reference level that would be used by the software at some point, like a reference level for head. NOTE: Currently no use is made of a reference level for head. If the value is a shift value, prefix it with a lower case letter 's', otherwise prefix it with an 'h', or just leave it 0.0 if nothing is to be used. The default treatment for non-zero values for REFL not having either a 's' or a 'h'prefix proved to be flawed. It proves to be the case that many users of the model have placed non-zero values in this field either as a reminder to themselves of some reference level, or in error, thinking that FEQ/FEQUTL requires a non-zero value. The default treatment had a bug in it so that the function value was shifted if REFL was non-zero. The default behavior is to treat a non-zero value without any prefixing letter as if it had a prefix of 'h'. This means that the value is stored in the function table for future reference, but that the function values are unaffected. A warning message is printed for every table found with a non-zero REFL and no prefixing letter. The output for these tables was also changed to reflect how the REFL is treated. ------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES MADE TO FEQUTL ------------------------------------- Version 5.48 22 April 2003 ---Small depths on the order of roundoff error appeared in cross sections having more than one minimum point. These small depths caused subsequent problems in computation. These have been removed. The current tolerance is set at NRZERO/16.0. The typical default value for the near-zero depth value in U. S. units is 0.08 feet. Thus, depths less than 0.005 feet will be ignored in computing the table. One side effect of this change is that FEQ/FEQUTL will sometimes issue a warning that it has found a discrepancey in area or first moment of area greater than the 0.02 tolerance at the initial positive depth in the table. This message can be ignored since the absolute value of that error is quite small. The other option is to modify the cross section so that duplicate equal inverts do not occur. A shift on the order of 0.1 foot in one invert should eliminate the warning message when the cross-section function table is processed. --A new bottom-slot shape is available. This bottom slot has a top width that varies exponentially from a given base cross section such that the hydraulic depth is constant, that is A(y)/T(y) = Ao/To for all y > yo, where yo=max depth of the base section and To= top-width of the base section. The base section is a triangle. The new command is SETSLOTE and with the default settings the input values can be left the same. However, the role of NSLOT can be expanded by adding a sign to the value. NSLOT > 0.0 -- use NSLOT as the value of Manning's n for the slot boundary NSLOT < 0.0 -- compute the average of the Manning's n at the two insertion points on the boundary and multiply this average by the absolute value of NSLOT. The command SETSLOTE has the following additional options. They should follow YSLOT/ESLOT in the order given here. A parameter may be omitted but the order of those that remain must be maintained. RDEPTH - factor on slot depth to define yo, that is, let ym= max depth of the slot, then yo=RDEPTH*ym. The default value of RDEPTH is 0.37937619 and the default value of To is WSLOT*RDEPTH/10.0. If these two defaults are used then the maximum width of the bottom slot will be WSLOT and the area of the slot will be nearly RDEPTH of the area of a triangular slot with the same max depth and with WSLOT as its maximum width. Thus, shifting to using SETSLOTE from SETSLOT with no change in the parameters yields the same maximum width but with a reduced area of flow. Increasing WSLOT from 1.0 to 1/0.37...=2.6359 yields an exponential slot with a maximum top width of 2.6359 and an area equivalent to the area of the triangular slot with top width 1.0 and the same maximum depth. TZERO - Value for the top width of the base section. EXPFAC - factor on the exponent in the topwidth for the exponential channel. Default value= 1.0. Changes to RDEPTH must be done carefully because small changes can yield large changes in the exponential channel. For example using RDEPTH = 0.30 instead of the default yields a maximum topwidth of 3.19 instead of 1.0 as given by WSLOT when YSLOT=37. The top-width function for the exponential slot is T(y) = To*exp[ 2.*EXPFAC*(y/yo - 1)] to aid in sorting out the effect of non-default settings. In limited experiments to date the exponential bottom slot seems to be beneficial. It also appears that a value of NSLOT of about -0.8, yielding a bottom slot only a bit less rough than the cross section, is also beneficial. However, these observations are based on only one large model. --The NRZERO depth value is NOT added to cross sections with a bottom slot. This was forced by the addition of the exponential bottom slot wherein the area computed to single precision at the NRZERO depth was 0.0. The purpose of the NRZERO point was to improve interpolation for the square root of conveyance, and cross sections with a bottom slot already have many points that avoid the problem. --Six new cross section tables have been added. These are types 30 through 35, and they mimic 20 through 25 with the addition of derivatives to yield at least piecewise cubic Hermite polynomial interpolation for the square root of conveyance, beta, alpha, and the two curvilinear axis correction coefficients. Only the derivatives required by the contents of the table are added. These tables have been added to yield functional representations that are smoother in the sense of having continuity of the first derivative and sometimes the second derivative at the tabulated depth values (breakpoints). It may be that some of the computational problems in an unsteady-flow model originate at the discontinuities in first derivative at breakpoints. A review of the convergence theorems for Newton's method shows that they all depend on continuity of the first derivative near the root. If one of the roots is close to a breakpoint, a likely occurrence with a few thousand cross-section function tables and each table with 30-100 breakpoints, then the model may have convergence difficulty. The increased order of interpolation may yield more accurate values of conveyance, for example, but it is not clear that the change is of any significance. None of the effort in including increased smoothness in approximations was motivated by increased accuracy. It was done to increase the robustness of the computations. As a side effect of these new cross-section table types, FEQUTL will print out the derivatives outlined above in its output display. These derivatives are computed by fitting a cubic spline to the tabulated function values and limiting the first derivative at the breakpoints of this spline to be such that the variation of the function is monotone. The monotone variation is forced to prevent adding potentially spurious maxima or minima between breakpoints. In the printout, each derivative changed to attain monotone variation is denoted by a following caret, ^, symbol. If no caret symbol appears for any derivative of an element, then we have continuous first and second derivatives. At any breakpoint having a caret the second derivative will be discontinuous. The tabulated values of the first derivative of the square root of conveyance (dkh/dy) are useful for checking what happens with non-default values of the parameters for an exponential bottom slot. With the new commands the sequence of commands in the header block for the master-input file for FEQUTL should be modified to the following: NCMD= 38 5 FEQX 1 FLOODWAY 2 BRIDGE 3 CULVERT 4 FINISH 5 SAME 6 FEQXLST 8 ROADFLOW 9 SEWER 10 MULPIPES 11 FTABIN 12 EMBANKQ 13 JUMP 14 CRITQ 15 GRITTER 16 MULCON 18 CHANRAT 19 EXPCON 20 HEC2X 21 QCLIMIT 22 XSINTERP 23 FEQXEXT 25 CHANNEL 26 WSPROX 27 WSPROQZ 28 WSPROT14 29 UFGATE 30 RISERCLV 31 ORIFICE 32 AXIALPMP 33 PUMPLOSS 34 SETSLOT 35 CLRSLOT 36 MKEMBANK 39 MKWSPRO 40 wsprot14 41 LPRFIT 42 SETSLOTE 44 Please note that without the addition of SETSLOTE to the header block, FEQUTL will treat the command as unknown even if the executable supports the command. --Added additional warning to CULVERT under certain conditions involving types 0, 1, and 2 flow. These conditions may occur when the type 0 flow occurs and the approach section is still restrictive as the flows approach what CULVERT thinks is a type 1 condition. Any type 0 flow indicates potential problems because having a control at section 1 is non-standard and if this control persists to higher heads, expect computational failure. See the notes on error 683 in the FEQUTL documentation on what might need to be done. --The format for the cross-section function tables has been changed to increase precision. Various cross-section function-table lookup routines also have been changed. --To support conversion of type 13 tables to type 43, a value of the free drop at zero upstream head will appear in tables of type 13. This is non-zero only for CHANRAT and then only if there is a sustaining slope to the plane. In other cases the free drop at zero upstream head should be zero. It proves useful to have a non- zero value for free drop at zero head for CHANRAT to reduce the rate of change of slope near zero flow. --Increased precision of elevation output in WSPROQZ. Version 5.50 1 December 2003 --In testing a new compiler, several missing commas were found in format statements. Apparently, previous compilers processed these statements correctly or these formats have never been accessed. Version 5.60 8 June 2004 --Added a global-home name to the header info so that projects may be shifted from drive to drive or between MS Windows and various Linux/Unix systems. In order to make this convenient, a command-line option was also added to specify a configuration file that contains the header info. Thus the same header info can be used for all master-input files to FEQUTL. Consequently, only one file needs to be changed to shift to a new location if the global home name and the file references in the FEQUTL input are carefully designed. Any file name that begins with a / or \ is taken relative to any home name that is active. The only local home name that now exists in FEQUTL is in the FTABIN block. If no home name is given there, then any global home name applies. Otherwise the local home name will apply. If the file name does not start with a / or \ then it is taken to be in the directory of invocation of the command. The global home name is given as: GHOME=e:\ where GHOME must start in column 1 and must be the last item in the header block. If a configuration file is given on the command line, then the header info in the master-input file is skipped. This information can be removed if a configuration file is supplied. FEQUTL now also reports the names of the master-input file, master-output file, function- table file, and the source of the configuration data in the master- output file. Also, FEQUTL will write the source of the configuration file to the console. This information should help keep clear what information FEQUTL used. The user may wish to modifiy the batch/script file that invokes fequtl. An example script line for Linux/Unix is /pj/usf/fequtl/gnulnx/lf95/fequtl95 $1 $2 $3 -conf /pj/usf/fequtl/test/fequtl.conf An example line for a MS Windows batch file is f:\usf\fequtl\msw\lf95\fequtl #1 #2 #3 -conf f:\usf\fequtl\test\fequtl.conf The feature of command-line completion also works in this case, that is, one can type as a valid command: fequtl fequtl.exm and the master-output file will be fequtl.out and the function-table file will be The configuration file is found in this case. Please note that there must be at least one space between -conf and the first character of the configuration file-name specification. --Changed input of TABID and TYPE and control parameters for CHANRAT to named-item input. Two lines can be taken for this input to match what was used in the fixed format. However, it is possible to place all of these items on a single line. Examples: 1.0 The old fixed form will still work so long as no changes to default values are made: CHANRAT TABID= 600 TYPE= 13 LABEL=TEST OF CHANRAT-using auto arguments XSTAB= 100 BOTSLP=0.003 LENGTH=000000030. MIDELEV= TAB HEAD SEQUENCE FOR TABLE NFRAC= 60 POWER= 1.5 LIPREC= 0.02 MINPFD= 0.1 0.25 10.0 -1.0 A new variable to control the table has been added, the target minimum flow, MINQ. This is given as one of the options. The other optional inputs, ERRKND, INTHOW, EPSINT, NDDABS, and NDDREL, are rarely needed, but if given, must follow the named-item pattern. For example, to change the integration convergence tolerance from the default of 0.1 to 0.2 and to set the target minimum flow to 1.5, one could use: CHANRAT TABID= 600 TYPE= 13 MINQ= 1.5 EPSINT=0.20 LABEL=TEST OF CHANRAT-using auto arguments XSTAB= 100 BOTSLP=0.003 LENGTH=000000030. MIDELEV= TAB HEAD SEQUENCE FOR TABLE NFRAC= 60 POWER= 1.5 LIPREC= 0.02 MINPFD= 0.1 0.25 10.0 -1.0 With this option added to the input, if desired, there is better control over MINQ. In prior versions, the only way to set MINQ for CHANRAT was through the global value given in the header block and now in the configuration file. This sometimes proved messy because not all structures in a single master-input file require the same target minimum flow. In most cases a single value will work, but there were some exceptions that required isolating the structure or structures to their own master-input file. Version 5.61 29 June 2004 --Added detection of the operating system to FEQUTL so that the proper name divider could be placed in file names. This was included so that inputs can be transferred between MS Windows and Linux/Unix without having to change them. Version 5.65 25 August 2004 --Changed length of files names for all but command line arguments to be 128 characters. --In the process of doing extensive checking of the file-name-length changes, global checking was enabled in the compiler. This checks many things including un-initialized variables. Several such variables appeared and have been fixed. The following is a synopsis of what was changed. 1. Sinuosity values were not being set properly for SEWER, MULPIPES, and MULCON. However, that had no effect because even though these values were being moved around they were not used in the computations. FEQUTL always disables sinuosity corrections in closed conduits. However, the variables involved were initialized to prevent problems during further such checks. 2. A bug was found in setting the line-segment Manning's n values in MULCON. One or two line segments could get a Manning's n at one point, that is for one line segment, that came from an adjacent conduit. Thus, if the conduits in the system had differing Manning's n, the near flowing full values of conveyance would be affected. In one test case the changes in conveyance were about 0.4 percent when flowing full. However, this was a test case in which the conduit diameters varied by more than a factor of two. Normally this would not be the case. 3. The CULVERT command had two cases of un-initialized variables. One involved using a type 1 value when type 1 flow was not possible. When corrected, the same results were obtained for the flows in the culvert. However, there might have been some cases where this was not true. The other involved a type 5 flow submergence-limit computation and the starting value for an iterative solution was not set. However, after setting it to a proper value, the same results were obtained as before. Version 5.66 8 June 2005 --A bug was detected in an area increment by the output routine in FEQUTL. The problem was eventually traced to the routine that removes duplicate elevations and near duplicate elevations from the list of breakpoints in top-width variation for a cross section. Detection of near duplicates was not properly scaled when the elevations were in the range of 700's or more. Thus, one or more breakpoints at the end of boundary line segments that deviated only slightly from horizontal were deleted from the list. This would then skip a breakpoint that should have been included in the table. The top widths and areas given in the final table were correct, but some increments in area and related elements were incorrect because a breakpoint was improperly left out. The scaling has been changed to detect cases of near duplication when the elevations are large. However, there may still be cases were the increments in area or first moment of area will fail the test in the output routine. FEQUTL will stop at this point. To get FEQUTL to compute the table, scan the cross section for nearly horizontal line segments and increase the deviation from horizontal for any found. The tolerance for near duplicates is determined as follows: 1. Compute the average of the maximum and minimum elevation in the table. 2. Subtract the minimum elevation from the average in 1. to yield an "average" depth for the table. 3. For each adjacent pair of elevations in the list of breakpoint elevations, compute the difference in elevation and divide by the average depth computed in 2. This gives the relative difference in depth for that interval. 4. If the absolute value of the relative difference in depth is less than 1 x 10^-5, then retain only one of the two elevations in the breakpoint list. Example: If the max elevation is 710 and the min elevation is 705, then the average depth is: (710 - 705)/2 - 705 = 2.5. In order for an elevation breakpoint to be included in the final list, its elevation must deviate by more than 2.5 x 1 x 10^-5 = 2.5 x 10^-5. If the line segment ending at a deleted elevation breakpoint is long, then the loss of area might be large enough to be noticed. In this example, a line segment 1000 feet long would yield an error of about (1000 x 2.5 x 10^-5)/2= 0.0125 ft^2. This is clearly a negligible amount given the size of the cross section. Version 5.67 25 October 2005 --Changes to FEQ required some changes to the storage of 1-D tables of types 2, 3, and 4. Version 5.68 26 October 2006 --Found that GISID was not initialized to blank in subroutines MULCON, PIPES, and SEWER. Currently, FEQUTL does not input a value for GISID for these sections. Therefore, GISID was set to blank in these subroutines. In subroutine TABOUT, a blank value of GISID is then set to the table id for output. Version 5.70 16 December 2006 --Added output of a version/run date-time string to all of the function-table files. The lines were added as comments so FEQ or FEQUTL will skip those lines when reading the files. These items of information will prove useful in tracing the parentage of various files, especially if multiple copies of files of the same name exist in different directories or in a version control system. Version 5.71 30 March 2007 --Modified wsprot14 to check for changes in tailwater elevation made by WSPRO when the flow state at the exit section is deemed to be super critical. In that case, WSPRO computes the critical depth for the given flow, and goes on. What we want is to reduce the flow until the flow state is subcritical at the given water-surface elevation. FEQUTL will NOT output a type 14 table if it finds that any of the tailwater elevations have been changed. An error message is issued for each one found. The flows have to be reduced until WSPRO finds the flow in a subcritical state at the exit section. Version 5.75 29 October 2007 --Added support for attaching a description to each function table that documents the following information about the table: 1. Define the horizontal datum of any eastings/northings included in the table. These will appear in some tables, depending on the data available for their computation. Easting and northing fields have been added to all tables. Until this version, the only tables that had such options were cross-section function tables. The horizontal datum is described using two eight-character fields: ZONE and HGRID. The values supplied for these fields are user defined. However, once selected, the values must be used with complete consistency for all tables in a model. 2. Define the vertical datum of the elevations that may be in the table. This is defined by an eight-character field labeled: VDATUM. Again the contents of this field are user defined. 3. The system of units used in the table. This field is labeled with: UNITSYS and again its contents are user defined. It also has a maximum of eight characaters. 4. The basis or source or era of the data in the table. This field is labelled as: BASIS and is eight-characters in length and is again user defined. The reason for adding these labels is that the United States is undergoing a shift in datum, both for horizontal and vertical measurements. The new datums are already in use, for example, recent maps from the USGS already make use of them. Some GIS databases already make use of them. However, the transition from the older datums to the newer datums will take place over a protrated period of time and will probably be done model by model. Thus it is possible that both sets of datums will be in use by one organization and therefore it becomes helpful to have explicit labels attached to function tables to help avoid extra confusion in this process. Here are some examples of using these values in FEQUTL. Only the relevant parts of the input are shown to avoid a huge number of lines. Example using FEQXEXT with the input generated by a utility program that used 3-D sections extracted from a DTM. FEQXEXT TABID=RDXSBJ_S.93 NOOUT MONOTONE EXTEND NEWBETAM GISID=RDXSBJ_S.93 STATION= 28.5293 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 SHIFT=3.926 EASTING= 1284704.08 NORTHING= 683186.55 VARN=NCON NSUB 41 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.085 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.068 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 OFFSET ELEVATION SUBS N0 The new items are named-item format. Therefore each name and its value must appear on the same line but the order and the placement is user defined. That is, the input above could be entered as: FEQXEXT TABID=RDXSBJ_S.93 NOOUT MONOTONE EXTEND NEWBETAM GISID=RDXSBJ_S.93 STATION= 28.5293 EASTING= 1284704.08 NORTHING= 683186.55 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 SHIFT=3.926 VARN=NCON NSUB 41 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.085 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.068 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 OFFSET ELEVATION SUBS N0 and still obtain the same result. Lines below and including NSUB must appear as shown however. The output from either one of these inputs yields: TABID= RDXSBJ_S.93 TYPE= -25 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 STATION= 2.85293E+01 GISID=RDXSBJ_S.93 EASTING= 1284704.080 NORTHING= 683186.550 ELEVATION= 1.17356E+02 EXT=-99.900000 FAC=1.000 SLOT= 0.0000 Depth Top_width Area Sqrt(Conv) Beta First_moment Alpha Critq Ma Mq Notice that the new labels are just echoed to the output. However, in the function table itself, the format is fixed, that is each label must appear exactly in the position shown. The items are not named- item. Most often these tables are created by a computer program and are read by a computer program, so the fixed formats do not cause major problems. However, if the function table is modified manually, one must exercise care that the fixed format is followed. Here is an example of a CHANRAT command, again generated from a utility program that uses 3-D sections and this program extracts an appropriate easting and northing: CHANRAT TABID=RDEGEF_M.1R TYPE= 13 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 EASTING= 1304906.856 NORTHING= 667997.465 LABEL=Flow fromMM at RDEGEF_M.1 to R1 XSTAB=RDEGEF_M.1R_XS BOTSLP= 0. LENGTH= 50.0 MIDELEV= TAB HEAD SEQUENCE FOR TABLE NFRAC= 60 POWER= 1.5 LIPREC= 0.010 MINPFD= 0.10 0.25 20.0 -1. The output from this input fragment looks like this: TABID= RDEGEF_M.1R TYPE= -13 HDATUM= 201.900 CHANRAT zrhufd= 0.0000 ZONE=4601 HGRID=SPCS83 VDATUM=NAVD88 UNITSYS=ENGLISH BASIS=Pre_05 EASTING= 1304906.856 NORTHING= 667997.465 LABEL=Flow fromMM at RDEGEF_M.1 to R1 NHUP= 35 NPFD= 7 HUP 2605-4 2957-4 3363-4 3747-4 4081-4 4465-4 4932-4 5462-4 6092-4 6616-4 FDROP 1376-4 1538-4 1725-4 1898-4 2021-4 2141-4 2270-4 2408-4 2569-4 2715-4 All the fields are fixed format. FEQUTL does not make any conversions between datums. Such conversions can be very complex and software is generally available to make those conversions to full precision using methods developed by the NGS and others. From the point of view of FEQ/FEQUTL, these values are descriptive and under user control. Currently, only the vertical datum and the unit system are checked for consistency. Working with varying datums can become confusing and even a simple typing error in one of the new fields could result in FEQ complaining because it has found an inconsistent vertical datum or unit system (the only two values now checked by FEQ). Consequently, new global values for these new items of information have been put into the FEQUTL configuration file (See this file under version 5.60 to get an overview of the configuration file. It is just the header information placed into a file.) These new values are prescriptive, that is, they are used to force all input values to conform. Thus a typing error or just a mistake in the datum given, will be detected by FEQUTL. Here is an example configuration file: UNITS= ENGLISH NOMINAL 45.0 0.0 NCMD= 35 FEQX 1 FLOODWAY 2 BRIDGE 3 CULVERT 4 FINISH 5 FEQXLST 8 SEWER 10 MULPIPES 11 FTABIN 12 EMBANKQ 13 CRITQ 15 GRITTER 16 MULCON 18 CHANRAT 19 EXPCON 20 HEC2X 21 QCLIMIT 22 XSINTERP 23 FEQXEXT 25 CHANNEL 26 WSPROX 27 WSPROQZ 28 WSPROT14 29 UFGATE 30 RISERCLV 31 ORIFICE 32 AXIALPMP 33 PUMPLOSS 34 SETSLOT 35 CLRSLOT 36 MKEMBANK 39 MKWSPRO 40 wsprot14 41 LPRFIT 42 SETSLOTE 44 DZLIM= 2.55 NRZERO= 0.08 USGSBETA=NO EPSARG=5.E-5 EPSF= 1.E-4 EPSABS= 1.E-4 EXTEND=NO MINQ= 1.0 GHOME=/pj/software/usf/fequtl/test G_ZONE = 4601 G_HGRID = SPSC83 G_VDATUM = NAVD88 G_UNITSYS = ENGLISH G_BASIS = DTM ; Make sure that the config file contains several blank lines at the end The new values are: G_ZONE giving the required zone value for all commands. G_HGRID giving the required horizontal grid for all commands G_VDATUM giving the required vertical datum for all commands G_UNITSY giving the required unit system for all commands G_BASIS giving the required basis for all commands. All must be given or all must be omitted, and they must be in the order shown. If present, FEQUTL will complain with an error message if any command that can have the value is missing a value or has a response that differs from the global value (the G prefix stands for "global"). Currently, this only applies to the vertical datum and the unit system. However, it may be extended to the other values at a later time when more extensive use is made of the easting and northing values. Using the response NA for the vertical datum or the unit system will avoid the error message. Here is a synopsis of what happens under certain combinations of input: 1. Global values not present in the configuration file No checking for consistency in vertical datum or unit system. Complete freedom for specifying these values for a given function table or not specifying these values. If specified, they will appear in the function table. 2. Global values present in the configuration file Each command that supports the values must have them present or an error message will abort the run. The vertical datum and the unit system response must match their global value but all others are not checked. The response NA for the vertical datum or the unit system will suppress checking that value. All values will be placed in the computed function table. Version 5.76 5 September 2008 --Fixed problem that NA was not properly recognized as an error-suppressing response for the vertical datum and unit system. --Fixed problem in HEC2X so that the location items, zone, hgrid, vdatum, unitsys, basis, easting and northing, were output to each cross section when the user supplied these values in the input. Version 5.80 6 October 2008 --Added output of the source code repository and the Subversion version number. This should define the set of files used to create the executable file that produced the output. This also appears in the function-table file. --Added output of the Subversion version if the global home name or a local home name are under it. Otherwise, nothing should be printed. If the home names are not used, nothing is printed. 23 March 2009 --Found that the selection of variation of Manning's n with depth in FEQXEXT was ignored by the code and was being treated as a case of constant n. This mistake first appeared in version 5.75. It is now corrected in this version.