Cache Creek near Lower Lake, Calif

Study Reach.--Section 1 is 350 ft upstream from gage.

Gage Location.--Lat 38°55'27", long 122°33'53", in sec.6, T.12 N., R.6W., on left bank 500 ft downstream from Clear Lake Dam, 1.9 miles downstream from Copsey Creek, and 2.5 miles northeast of Lower Lake.

Drainage Area.--528 sq mi.

Gage Datum and Elevations of Reference Points.--Not available.

Stage, Discharge Measurements and Computed n-Values.--Gage heights were 7.80 ft, 6.30 ft at gage; 13.35 ft, 11.70 ft at section 1. Peak discharges were 3,840 cfs, 1,830 cfs on Jan. 24-25, 1951.

Date of Observation Discharge (ft3/s) Average Cross Section Area (ft2) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Mean Velocity (ft/s) Slope Coefficient of Roughness n
1/24/1951 1848.5 239.3 3.81 7.72 0.032317 0.079
1/25/1951 3913.2 360.0 4.85 10.87 0.029878 0.053

Description of Channel.--Bed is composed of large angular boulders. Banks consist of exposed rock, boulders, and some trees.

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Page Last Modified: December 19, 2012