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Full Equations (FEQ) Model for the Solution of the Full, Dynamic Equations of Motion for One-Dimensional Unsteady Flow in Open Channels and Through Control Structures


9.4 Stability, Convergence, and Accuracy of the Solution Scheme

The results of any computation in steady or unsteady flow is an approximation of flow in a stream system. The accuracy of the approximation and the required accuracy for application in decision making, design, or planning are complex questions. Several concepts that relate to these questions are discussed in this section.

The acceptability of the results must be considered in an implicit comparison; that is, comparison of the results with some other set of results either real or, if hypothetical, at least obtainable if sufficient resources are available. The performance of the mathematical model of the stream system developed and computed with FEQ may be evaluated in the same way as for measurements that have been made or could be made on the prototype system. The key question relates to accuracy. How close are the results to some standard? A related but distinct concept is that of precision, the degree of refinement in the result. A value can be precise without being accurate, and an accurate result can be imprecise by certain standards. A typical example relevant to open-channel flow analysis is the reporting of elevations in surveys of stream cross sections. Modern semiautomatic surveying systems commonly report elevations to the nearest one-thousandth of a foot. At first glance, the surveyed channel-bottom elevations appear accurate; yet, in many cases, the elevations are only known within about one-half foot because the leveling rod was placed on mud on a channel bottom. On the flood plain, moving the point of measurement a few feet will change the elevation by much more than the precision of the measurement indicates.

The accuracy of the results is the primary interest, and precision is usually not a limiting factor. However, accuracy can be viewed as absolute or relative. Absolute accuracy is of interest when the model is expected to reproduce the result as measured in the prototype. For example, if measurements for a major flood on a stream are available and are simulated in the model, absolute accuracy is sought. Relative accuracy, on the other hand, is applied for comparing differences between two outcomes. An example would be evaluating the change in water level resulting from the construction of one or more reservoirs in a watershed. Computing the change in water level resulting from different structures on the stream can usually be done more accurately than computing the water level. Typical applications of unsteady flow often involve questions about the changes in flows and water-surface elevations that result from planned changes to watersheds or stream channels (for an example, see Knapp and Ortel, 1992).

9.4.1 Truncation Errors

Every time a differential or integral equation is replaced with an algebraic equation, a truncation error results. This is called a truncation error because the infinite series has been truncated; this also could be called the error of approximation that is introduced because a finite number of terms is used to represent a value requiring an infinite series solution. Finite steps are taken in space and in time, and these errors relate to the size of these steps and to the nature of the approximations used to convert the continuous equations to discrete equations. The truncation error is one of several attributes associated with a numerical method.

A numerical method (also called a scheme) is consistent if the continuous governing equations are obtained as both the time and space increments approach zero. A numerical method is convergent if the results obtained as both the time and space increments are reduced approach a limiting value and that value matches the true solution of the governing equations. Consistency relates to the equations and convergence relates to the solutions of these equations. A numerical method is computationally stable if roundoff and truncation errors do not accumulate such that the solution diverges.

A relation results among these concepts when the governing equations are linear. In this special case, a stable, consistent numerical method also is convergent. This is an important result because it is often easier to demonstrate stability and consistency than it is to demonstrate convergence. In unsteady-flow analysis, however, the governing equations are not linear, so this result does not rigorously hold. Nevertheless, the numerical method used in FEQ simulation is consistent and stable. Comparison of results as the time and distance step are reduced can empirically verify if the numerical method is convergent and that the time and distance steps are small enough for the application.

For each branch in the model, one or more nodes within each computational element defined in the branch description input can be added with the ADDNOD option. If one node is added, each computational element length is reduced by half. Thus, the maximum time step should also be reduced by one-half. Empirical tests for convergence involve computing a series of solutions, denoted by Equation , where This is the Greek letter Lambda is a measure of the size of the time and distance steps. If This is the Greek letter Lambda denotes the base level at which the process of reducing the time and distance steps begins, then the next level would be This is the Greek letter Lambda / 2 where the time and space increments are one-half the base values. This process can in principle continue to This is the Greek letter Lambda / 4, l / 8, and so on. Values can be compared at node locations common to all solutions to determine a trend toward a common value. A trend provides empirical evidence that the scheme is convergent. This process also can be applied to adjust the time and space increments to reduce the truncation errors if values are too high.

In terms of storage requirements, model size grows in inverse proportion to the size of the time and distance steps. Thus, if the step size is one-fourth the base value, then the storage requirement is increased about four times. The run time for a simulation increases in inverse proportion to the square of the step size. If the step size is again one-fourth of the base value, then the run time will be about 16 times longer than that for the base step. Therefore, limitations on computational time and storage capacity are quickly encountered. A way is needed to use only two such runs to obtain some insight into the effect of varying the time and space steps.

The Richardson extrapolation can be used with results from just two model simulations for which time and distance steps one-half the size of the first simulation are applied in the second simulation. The approximations applied in FEQ computations result in a truncation error being approximately proportional to the square of the time and distance steps. A reduction by half of both the time and distance steps should reduce the errors by about one-fourth. This is true for the time increment only if the value of the temporal integration weight, WT, is close to 0.5. Let This is the Greek letter Gamma be the true solution at a given location; then,



gives an estimate of the error, where This is the Greek letter Kappa is a constant of proportionality. In the Richardson extrapolation, this constant is assumed to be independent of the step size. Use of this assumption results in



for the estimated error for the solution with the reduced step size. This error is one-fourth the first error. Eliminating the unknown constant of proportionality in equation 138 results in


Equation .

Solving this equation results in


Equation .

Therefore, a better approximation than either Equation or Equation can be determined by correcting Equation .

Application of equation 140 results in an error in the solution with a corrected Equation that is about one-third the difference between the two solutions. The error in the solution for the larger time and distance steps also can be estimated because, as shown in equations 137 and 138, it is about four times the error in the solution for the reduced time and distance steps. This cannot be used as a correction as in equation 140, but it may demonstrate that the error in Equation is small enough so that the model can be applied for the intended purpose. This error is approximately 4/3 of the absolute value of the difference between the two solutions. If this error is acceptable, then the time and distance steps as related to the truncation error also are acceptable.

In the empirical convergence analysis applying the Richardson extrapolation, the proportionality constant is assumed to be virtually independent of the step size and neglected higher-order terms are assumed to be small. This applies if the initial step sizes are not too large. General guidelines for selecting the initial time and distance steps are described in the next few paragraphs.

Linear variation of values over each time and distance step is assumed in FEQ computations. Appropriate step sizes should be selected for this linear variation to be reasonable. The matrix-solution method applied in FEQ computations is unconditionally stable with respect to time step but not unconditionally accurate. Small variations in the values of flow at a boundary are often omitted when large time steps are used. For example, if an inflow hydrograph has a 1-hour duration of substantial flow, values for most of the hydrograph will be missed if a 1-hour time step is applied. Therefore, the maximum time step must be selected on the basis of knowledge of expected flow variations.

The distance steps must be related to the water-surface height of interest. A distance step appropriate for a small stream with a maximum water-surface height of 3 ft will be much too small for the main stem of a large river. On the lower Mississippi River, distance steps of several miles may be suitable because the variations in time and space are gradual and the stream is more than 100 ft deep in many places. The spacing of the nodes should be smaller where the water-surface height is expected to vary rapidly; for example, near points of critical or near-critical flow. Node spacing near critical flow may be in the tens of feet or less. The spacing of nodes also should be smaller where the channel changes shape or roughness rapidly. The CHKGEO option in FEQ can be used to identify possible regions of large variation in the channel geometry. Initial steady-flow computations will fail where the distance step is too long. If these requirements for cross-section spacing are met and the frequency of culverts and other controls in urban streams is considered, then the distance steps for models of urban streams will likely be in the appropriate range for accurate simulation.

Generally, the distance steps should be in the range of 100 to 300 times the water-surface heights of concern. Other previously discussed constraints take priority over this range. Choice of a time step such that 10 or more points are within every flow event of concern also is appropriate. Once an initial selection of time and distance steps has been made, the empirical convergence testing can be applied to a typical part of the stream to determine if the truncation errors are acceptable. If model simulation is within the computational capacity of the computer, full convergence testing of a typical event also could prove useful.

9.4.2 Verification of the Accuracy and Convergence of the Full Equations Model

Typically, the accuracy and convergence of numerical models are verified by use of simplified problems for which analytical solutions are available. For unsteady flow, such analytical solutions are not available. In the following paragraphs, the accuracy and convergence of FEQ are demonstrated for unsteady, free-surface flow in a sewer pipe by comparison with unsteady-flow data collected in carefully controlled laboratory experiments done at the Wallingford Hydraulics Research Station in England (Ackers and Harrison, 1964). Two sets of simulations and experiments are considered, one with raw data (experiment 115) and the other with scaled data (data collected in the 0.25-ft diameter pipe and scaled up to a 1-ft diameter pipe by Froude number equivalence principles). The scaled data were derived by Ackers and Harrison (1964) to verify their method of characteristics model of unsteady flow in open channels.

Hydraulic characteristics of the experiment and scaled experiment used to verify FEQ are listed in table 4. For fully turbulent flow, Manning's n is virtually constant for a wide range of flow depths. The experiments done by Ackers and Harrison (1964), however, include flow in the transition region between laminar and fully turbulent flow. Thus, Manning's n varies for the peak-flow and base-flow conditions, as indicated in table 4. At present, variations of Manning's n with depth are not considered from a rigorous fluid-mechanics viewpoint in FEQ computations because, for general applications, variations have negligible effects on the accuracy of the overall routing of a flood wave. The results of FEQ simulations discussed subsequently use the Manning's n corresponding to the base flow. For the scaled experiment, the difference in the n values is negligible, whereas for experiment 115 the wave is rapidly attenuated and flow is simulated acceptably for all downstream locations by use of the higher n.


The results of the FEQ simulations are shown in a series of graphs. The available data confine consideration to the wave-peak depth and timing as the key test parameters. The wave-peak depth plotted with distance is shown for experiment 115 in fig.22- fig.23- fig.24. The convergence of FEQ calculations as a function of the computation time step, This is the Greek letter Delta t, is shown in figures 22- and 23. The magnitude of the wave-peak depth is accurately simulated for This is the Greek letter Deltat values of 6 seconds or less; thus, the model converged to the measured depth with a This is the Greek letter Deltat as large as one-sixth of the duration of the input hydrograph. The convergence of the FEQ calculations as a function of the computational distance step, This is the Greek letter Deltax, is shown in figure 24. The magnitude of the wave-peak depth is accurately simulated for This is the Greek letter Delta x values of 50 ft or less. Thus, the model computations converged to the measured depth with a This is the Greek letter Deltax as large as one-sixth of the entire length of the test section. The convergence of the FEQ calculations in terms of the timing of the wave peak as a function of the computation distance step, This is the Greek letter Deltax, is shown in figure 25. Even though the This is the Greek letter Deltax of 50 ft yielded accurate results for the wave-peak magnitude, the results are somewhat inaccurate in the simulation of the timing of the wave peak.

The instantaneous depth and time for five data-collection locations in the scaled experiment are shown in figures 26 and 27. The agreement between the measured and the simulated depth at distances of 28.4 and 255.7 ft from the inlet is similar to that achieved by Ackers and Harrison (1964) using their method of characteristics model. Ackers and Harrison's model performs somewhat better in depth simulation than FEQ for the more downstream locations, because of a combination of the depth-variable roughness and possible scaling problems.

The results presented here demonstrate that the numerical scheme used in FEQ can converge to an accurate result with relatively large space and time increments for unsteady flow in a single branch. These computational results for single-pipe laboratory experiments are encouraging with regard to applications of FEQ to large, multiple-branch, real-world stream networks.

9.4.3 Verification of the Full Equations model on the Fox River, Illinois

The accuracy of FEQ simulation also has been tested and verified with field measurements for several stream systems. A particularly thorough evaluation of the simulation accuracy involved an application of FEQ to a 30.7mi reach of the Fox River in northeastern Illinois (fig. 28), reported by Ishii and Turner (1997). FEQ was tested and verified with stage, discharge, and dye-transport data collected during a 12-day period of unsteady flow induced by operations at the upstream boundary, a sluice-gate control at Stratton Dam. The reach includes 19 bridges and 4 low-head overflow dams, including the dam at the downstream boundary. The channel-bottom profile is shown in figure 29. The reach is effectively split into two subreaches on the basis of slope. The upstream subreach, from Stratton Dam to Algonquin Dam, has a bed slope of only 0.0034 percent and was subject to considerable backwater effects and hysteresis in the stage-discharge relations; the downstream subreach, from Algonquin Dam to South Elgin Dam, has a bed slope of 0.039 percent and was subject to little or no backwater effects. The channel is virtually prismatic, with no trend in width from upstream to downstream.

The study reach was represented in the FEQ model as a 45-branch network. The number of branches was determined by the number of bridges, dams, and tributary branch inflows simulated. FEQUTL (Franz and Melching, 1997) routines were used to compute the 2-D tables for flow through the bridges and over the dams. The model of the Fox River was developed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR) from a HEC-2 model developed earlier by IDNR-OWR and the U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers. The hydrology for the unmeasured tributary inflows was done by proportioning a percentage of the measured flow of the nearest of the two gaged tributaries among the smaller tributaries by area. Only 26 percent of the tributary-area flow was not measured at least once during the verification field study.

The upper subreach of the model was calibrated by the Illinois State Water Survey (Knapp and Ortel, 1992), and the lower subreach was subsequently calibrated by IDNR-OWR. The upstream boundary condition for the model calibration was discharge at Wilmot Dam, 18.8 mi upstream from the study reach. Stage and discharge data from two flood periods were used in the calibration data set, and an additional six flood periods were used to verify the calibration for the upstream reach. Seven of the eight flood periods were used in the calibration of the downstream reach.

The fully calibrated model was then passed to the USGS for comparison to the measured stage and discharge data collected during the unsteady-flow verification field study. No further adjustment was made to the calibrated model during the verification. All numerical results cited are from the calibrated model with no adjustment. Adjustments in Manning's n of -0.006 for the upstream reach and +0.005 to the downstream reach were made and are clearly indicated on the figures showing the calibrated results (fig. 30), in order to demonstrate the effect of such an adjustment. The verification periods differed from the calibration periods in that flow was lower and no overbank flooding resulted. The routed wave was a trough rather than a peak. At locations where water-surface height was low, the calibrated values for the roughness coefficient, Manning's n, appeared to be too low compared to the effective field values, resulting in simulated stages that were less than measured stages by as much as 0.8 ft during the wave trough at 3 of the 15 locations where stage data were collected. Simulated and field-measured stages were matched closely at the other 12 sites, differences between the stages ranging from 0 to 0.3 ft. The routed discharge results were especially close to field-measured values. The timing of the discharge hydrograph and the stage hydrograph almost exactly matched the observed hydrographs. The discharge and stage results at one site in the upstream subreach and one site in the downstream subreach are shown in figure 30. The results at all sites are presented in Ishii and Turner (1997).

At Huntley Road Bridge, 21.4 mi downstream from Stratton Dam and 5 mi downstream from Algonquin Dam, a difference in the hydrograph near the end of the wave trough is the result of local rainfall that was not simulated. Discharge is otherwise simulated accurately in both timing and amount. The site is one of the three sites where Manning's n appears to have been underestimated for low flow. The stage-discharge relations at the same two sites for the calibrated and adjusted simulations and the measured values are shown in figure 31. The hysteresis induced by the variable-momentum slope in the upstream reach is clearly evident. In contrast to this, the stage-discharge relation at Huntley Road (in the downstream reach) shows little evidence of hysteresis.

The study also included a semicontinuous dye injection with manual and automatic collection of samples at 18 locations during the unsteady-flow period. The velocity simulated in FEQ was verified by inputting the flow-field and dye-injection data to the Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) (Jobson and Schoelhammer, 1987) and comparing the simulated and measured dye concentrations. The match was acceptable given the limit of the temporal resolution imposed by the relative infrequency of dye-sample collection at most sites. The results for Fox River Valley Gardens and Huntley Road Bridge are shown in
figure 32 together with the measured and simulated discharges. Although the dye-injection rate was almost constant, a spike in concentration resulted from the higher concentration during the low-flow period. An attenuated peak followed during the high-flow period. The decline in concentration to near zero between the two peaks was because of pump failure that resulted in a zero injection rate for 15 hours between the two flow conditions.

Other results reported in Ishii and Turner (1997) include the sensitivity of the model to computational and physical parameters. Ishii and Wilder (1993) report on the results of using different pairs of exterior boundary conditions. Turner and others (1996) report on a study to verify the culvert and overbank routines for a small stream reach. FEQ was determined to be robust and accurate for these applications.

9.4.1 Truncation Errors
9.4.2 Verification of the Accuracy and Convergence of the Full Equations Model
9.4.3 Verification of the Full Equations model on the Fox River, Illinois

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