Clear Creek near Golden, Colo

Study Reach.--Section 12 is about 3.5 miles upstream from gage.

Gage Location.--Lat 39°45'05", long 105°14'55", in NE1/4 sec.32, T.3S., R.70W., on left bank 0.5 mile downstream from Golden Canal diversion and 1 mile west of Golden.

Drainage Area.--399 sq mi.

Gage Datum and Elevations of Reference Points.--Not available.

Stage, Discharge Measurements and Computed n-Values.--Gage heights were 5.25 ft at gage; 61.70 ft (different datum) at section 15. Peak discharges was 1,380 cfs on May 26, 1958.

Date of Observation Discharge (ft3/s) Average Cross Section Area (ft2) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Mean Velocity (ft/s) Slope Coefficient of Roughness n
5/26/1958 1383.4 191.4 3.48 7.23 0.016768 0.050

Description of Channel.--Bed and banks are composed of angular boulders as much as 2 ft in diameter.

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Page Last Modified: December 19, 2012