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Full Equations Utilities (FEQUTL) Model for the Approximation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Open Channels and Control Structures During Unsteady Flow


Dimensions of Arrays in the Full Equations Utilities Model

Function tables listing hydraulic characteristics of cross sections and control structures larger than permitted by the size declared for a variety of vectors and arrays cannot be computed in FEQUTL. (A vector is an array with only a single dimension.) The sizes of these arrays and vectors have been declared by use of Fortran parameters. A file, ARSIZE.PRM, contains these dimension parameters in a PARAMETER statement. An INCLUDE compiler directive appears with ARSIZE.PRM for the arguments in any program unit in which one or more of the parameters in ARSIZE.PRM are required to establish the dimension of some array or vector.

Many of the parameters giving the dimensions begin with the letter "M" and may be followed with the letter " R" to denote the number of rows for a vector or an array. All vectors are viewed as being column vectors. Therefore, each row for a vector contains only one element. The second letter may be "C" to denote the number of columns for arrays--that is, the number of elements in each row of the array. The remaining four characters available in a Fortran name are the same as, or are related to, the variable name being dimensioned. Some parameters that are used for many different vectors or arrays do not follow these guidelines.

MAXCMD Maximum number of commands for FEQUTL.
MCDT10 Maximum number of columns in a 2-D table of type 10.
MFTNUM Same as PMXTAB--maximum table number.
MNBN Maximum number of nodes on a culvert barrel in the CULVERT command (section 5.5).
MNDEP Maximum number of water-surface height (depth) values in an interpolated cross section.
MNMID Maximum number of cross sections interpolated between known cross sections.
MORG Offset value for the first command-line argument. On personal computer systems this should be 1 if the supplied routines for retrieval of command-line arguments are used. If the compiler differs from Lahey, then the value should be set to get the first file argument. On Unix systems, MORG=0 is normally required.
MRFTAB Maximum row in a function table. This value gives the size of the vector used to store function tables.
MUNIT Maximum unit number for input/output unit numbers.
PMXELM Maximum number of cross-section hydraulic characteristics in an internal table.
PMXFRC Maximum number of fractions of free drop or free flow for computing 2-D tables.
PMXNFL Maximum number of flow lines when defining correction coefficients for channel curvilinearity.
PMXNHG Maximum number of gate openings for an underflow gate. This value defines the maximum number of 2-D tables of type 13 that appear in a table of type 15.
PMXNHU Maximum number of upstream or downstream heads for computing 2-D tables.
PMXNIG Size of vectors used in computing the indefinite integral of the breakpoint density when finding optimum tables.
PMXOFF Maximum number of offsets for profile of an embankment in the EMBANKQ command (section 5.6).
PMXPNT Maximum number of points in a cross section.
PMXSEC Maximum number of cross sections in the function table.
PMXSUB Maximum number of subsections in a cross section.
PMXTAB Maximum table number.
XSCOML Length in 4-byte words of the common blocks for cross sections.
XTIFOFF Cross-section table initial offset. The offset of the first value in the body of the table.

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